The Editorial Board

Paweł Bohuszewicz
Dr hab. Paweł Bohuszewicz – Assistant Professor at the Department of Anthropology of Literature and New Media at the Faculty of Humanities. Author of two books on the history of novels and several publications on the relationship between ancient literature and modernity, as well as on the theory of literature. Academically focused on the right-wing neo-Sarmatian discourse in Poland after 1989. Conducts seminars and workshops on new media in Practical Linguistics and Copywriting.

Arkadiusz Lewandowski
Deputy Editor-in-chief
Dr Arkadiusz Lewandowski – Assistant Professor at the Department of Theory of Politics and Public Sphere Management, Faculty of Political Science and Administration, UKW. Author of several dozen books and scientific articles. His research interests focus on contemporary theories of the crisis of democracy, populist politics (including populist discourse), and Polish political parties.

Sara Smyczek-Gołębiewska
Sara Smyczek Gołębiewska – lawyer, doctoral student at the Doctoral School of the University of Silesia in Katowice. President of Stowarzyszenie Analityków Mediów Elektronicznych. Author of numerous academic and popular science publications. Her research interests include axiology of law and legal argumentation.

Filip A. Gołębiewski
Filip A. Golebiewski – sociologist, originator and founder of the Institute of Discourse and Dialogue. Social researcher, mainly interested in the subject of discourse and social communication. Author of numerous academic and popular science publications. Experienced coach and mentor, as well as creator of social innovations and educational board games. Coordinator and manager of numerous research, commercial and social projects. Currently a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

Anna Dwojnych
Editor & linguistic correction
Anna Dwojnych – a graduate of sociology and philosophy at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and a poet. Her research interests include new media and body sociology. She has published scientific articles in journals such as Qualitative Sociology Review, Eastern European Countryside, Studia Socjologiczne (Sociological Studies), Przegląd Filozoficzny (Philosophical Review), Fragile. She also has published literary texts in journals such as Odra, Dwutygodnik (Bi-weekly journal), Biuro Literackie’s biBLioteka (Library), Fraza (Phrase), and Lampa (Lamp). Author of the poetry collections gadu gadu (chit-chat) (2011) and Wypadki z przypadkami (Accidents and coincidences) (2019).

Mateusz Bartoszewicz
Edditorial assistant
dr Mateusz Bartoszewicz- The title of the doctoral thesis defended in 2022: Mechanizmy propagandy politycznej w polskich tygodnikach opinii – analiza porównawcza (Political propaganda mechanisms in Polish opinion-forming-press – comparative analysis). Chairman of the Samorząd Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego in 2020 and 2021. Expert and trainer at the Institute of Discourse and Dialogue since 2018. His research interests include political communication, contemporary propaganda and social engineering, political marketing, social psychology, and information warfare.
Academic council

Prof. José Manuel Chillón
A graduate of philosophy, theology, and journalism. He has also lectured as a visiting professor at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. His research interests include, among others: the rationality of contemporary communication problems, classical philosophy (especially aristotelianism) and contemporary philosophy (especially the thought of Husserl and Heidegger). Author of books Periodismo y Objetividad (Journalism and objectivity) Filosofía del periodismo (Philosophy of journalism) El pensar y la distancia (Thinking and distance) and Serenidad. Heidegger para un tiempo postfilosófico. (Solace. Heidegger for post-philosophical Times) as well as more than 50 articles in academic journals.

Prof. ucz. dr hab. Tomasz Gackowski
Media expert and historian, Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences (social communication and media sciences), University Professor (UW) in the Department of Social Communication and Public Relations at The Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies of the University of Warsaw, Head of Laboratorium Badań Medioznawczych UW (LBM UW), coordinator of Centrum Analiz Medialnych UW and Deputy Director for Research and International Cooperation at the Instytut Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (2012-2016).

Prof. ucz. dr hab. Agnieszka Hess
Head of the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University (IDMiKS UJ), Head of The Department of Research Into Mediatization at IDMiKS UJ. Long-term expert and advisor in international and national implementation and research projects. Her research interests focus on political communication, mediatization, issues of civil dialogue and research on populism. She analyzes the relationship between institutions operating within the democratic state system, with a particular focus on the communication aspect of these relationships and the roles played by the media. Author and co-author of over one hundred academic publications, including, among others, the book Społeczni uczestnicy medialnego dyskursu politycznego w Polsce. Mediatyzacja i strategie komunikacyjne organizacji pozarządowych (Social media participants of political discourse in Poland : the publicity and communication strategies of non-governmental organizations) (2013).

Dr hab. Monika Kaczmarek-Śliwińska
Academic and didactic employee of The Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies of the University of Warsaw, advisor and trainer in the field of communication and public relations. Author of three author’s monographs Public relations in crisis management of the organization. The art of communication (Warsaw 2015), Public relations in the space of social media. Activities of the organization and its employees (Koszalin 2013), Internet Public Relations. Polish realities of public relations activities on the Web (Koszalin 2010) and over 90 articles on communication of organizations and public relations. Coordinator and participant of research projects. She is a court expert in the field of media and social communication, and The National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) expert in the field of media education.
From 2011 to 2013 she served as Vice President of the Board of the Zarząd Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Public Relations (PSPR). Between 2010 and 2014 she was a member of the Rada Etyki Public Relations (REPR). She is a member of Zachodniopomorskie Stowarzyszenie Public Relations, Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej (PTKS) and Polskie Towarzystwo Edukacji Medialnej (PTEM).

Dr hab. Kamila Kamińska-Chełminiak
Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences in the discipline of Media Science (since 2019). Her research interests include censorship in Poland (1944-1990), the work and life of 20th century Polish publicists/editors, both at home and on emigration (in particular: especially the work of Stefan Kisielewski, Adam Ciolkosz, Jerzy Giedroyc and Stanisław Cata-Mackiewicz), various aspects of the activities of the Polish section of Radio Free Europe and the history of the media in 20th century Poland. In the years 2014-2019 she was a substantive contractor in the research grant Documents and Materials for the History of the Polish Section of Radio Free Europe 1952-1975, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the competition of the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities under the supervision of Professor Rafał Habielski, PhD. Reviewer of the academic periodical Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi.(From the Research on the Book and Historical Books)

Dr Bartłomiej Łódzki
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wrocław; author of empirical research and publications in the field of mass media and political communication. He focuses his research interests on the issues of agenda-setting, framing and ways of using web analytical tools and BigData mechanisms in media studies. Former head of Pracownia Badań Medioznawczych i Społecznych DSW. Co-founder of Instytut Analiz Społecznych ‘Quantum’.

Prof. dr hab. Ivan Monolatii
Historian and ethnopolitologist, graduate of the Ukrainische Freie Universität in Munich (Germany) and the Vasyl Stefanyk Carpathian University in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine). Habilitated Doctor of Political Science, Full Professor (Ukraine). Member of the Polish Political Science Association, ordinary member of the Shevchenko Scientific Association in Lviv (Historical Commission). Awarded the Cross of Ivan Mazepa by the President of Ukraine for his academic achievements. Honorary citizen of Kolomyja. University Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Mazovian Academy in Plock, and at the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations, Vasyl Stefanyk University of Transcarpathia in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Fot. Jan Graczyński
Prof. ucz. dr hab. Grzegorz Ptaszek
Associate Professor, currently working at the Faculty of Humanities of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. He conducts research in social psychology, media psychology and communication and media science. His most recent publications are Media Literacy in Poland and Media LIteracy Outactors, Measurement.

Prof. ucz. dr hab. Jacek Pyżalski
Habilitated Doctor of Humanities in Pedagogy (Adam Mickiewicz University, 2012). Currently Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and at the The Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (NIOM) in Łódź – National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion. Court mediator. Author of numerous publications. Trainer in the field of communication and difficult behavior, expert in media education. Member of Polskie Towarzystwo Edukacji Medialnej (PTEM). Research interests include: electronic aggression, new media, communication at school, health promotion, and cyberbullying among young people.
Author of the first monograph on electronic aggression on the Polish market Agresja elektroniczna wśród dzieci i młodzieży (Electronic aggression among children and young people) (GWP, Sopot 2011).

Prof. ucz. dr hab. Dorota Rancew-Sikora
Dorota Rancew-Sikora, Habilitated Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the University of Gdansk. She is involved in qualitative research in the areas of everyday life and culture, using, among others, the methodology of conversation analysis and discourse analysis. Author of books Analiza konwersacyjna jako metoda badania rozmów codziennych, Warszawa 2007 (Conversation analysis as a method for the study of everyday conversations) and Sens polowania, Warszawa 2009 (The sense of hunting) as well as articles in Studia Socjologiczne (Sociological Studies), Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej (Qualitative Sociology Review), Kultura i Społeczeństwo (Culture and Society) Studia Humanistyczne (Humanistic Studies) and more. Editor and co-editor of the collective monographs Podróż i miejsce, Gdańsk 2009 (Journey and place), Kreacje i nostalgie, Warszawa 2009, (Creations and nostalgias) Miasto nie-miasto, Gdańsk 2010 (City non-city), O społecznym znaczeniu tożsamości, miejsca i czas życia, Gdańsk 2013 (On the social meaning of identity, place and time of life), Mobility to the edges of Europe, Warsaw 2016. Active in the Social Anthropology Section of the Polish Sociological Association (PTS) and Konsorcjum Naukowe Analiza Dyskursu

Dr hab. Piotr Siuda
Habilitated Doctor of Social Communication and Media Sciences, fascinated by media consumption, media education and the social aspects of the Internet. Author of numerous publications and coordinator of several research projects.

Prof. ucz. dr hab. Magdalena Szpunar
Associate Professor, Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences in Sociology, specialization: media sciences, media studies, sociology of the Internet, new media. Works at the Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University (IDMiKS UJ). Head of The Department of New Media at IDMiKS UJ. Author of over 150 scientific publications, including monographs: Kultura algorytmów (Culture of Algorithms) (2019), (Nie)potrzebna wrażliwość ((Un)needed sensibility ) (2018), Imperializm kulturowy internetu (“Cultural imperialism of the Internet”) (2017) , Kultura cyfrowego narcyzmu (“Culture of digital narcissism”) (2016), Nowe-stare medium. Internet między tworzeniem nowych modeli komunikacyjnych a reprodukowaniem schematów komunikowania masowego (New-old medium. The Internet between the creation of new communication models and the reproduction of mass communication patterns) (2012), Społeczne konteksty nowych mediów (Social contexts of new media) (2011), W stronę nowych mediów (Towards new media) (2010) oraz Internet w procesie realizacji badań (Internet in the process of research implementation) (2010).

Dr hab. Jacek Wasilewski
Graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Warsaw, Gender Studies at the University of Warsaw and Screenwriting at the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź. He defended his doctoral thesis entitled Retoryka dominacji (Rhetoric of domination) under the supervision of Jerzy Bralczyk at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw in 2004. He obtained his habilitation in 2014, based on the thesis Opowieści o Polsce. Retoryka narracji (Tales about Poland. The Rhetoric of Narration). Since 2011, he has been in charge of the documentary specialization, which aims to develop multimedia journalistic narrative forms. Member of Komisja Żywego Słowa Rady Języka Polskiego (The Council for the Polish Language). In 2008-2010, he was the director of Szkoła Retoryki SWPS. He was a guest lecturer in public communication and image development at the University of Gdańsk and the Jagiellonian University. He provides expert opinions for courts, the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT), media stations and other public entities.
Magazine sections

In this section, we publish articles analyzing social issues from a sociological standpoint. We present their various contexts and backgrounds, exploring possible ways to address them.

In this section, we publish articles analyzing media messages. They are based mainly on the daily media observation of dedicated and engaged volunteers under the program INDID MEDIA WATCH.

In this section, we publish articles about widely understood social debate and challenges society faces with changing demography. Here, we also post editorial reviews.
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This journal is published by Instytut Dyskursu i Dialogu (Institute of Dialogue and Discourse)
This page has been subsidized with government funds for The Civil Society Organizations Development Programme for 2018-2030 of the National Freedom Institute – Centre for Civil Society Development under the task “Good. Better. INDID!”.